195 years old

Cementerio Británico Montevideo

+598 2622 3071 · info@cementeriobritanico.com.uy

Cementerio Británico Montevideo

Heritage Day Cementerio Británico Montevideo

Heritage Day
1 October 2022 at 02:30 PM

"Uniting shores of life and history" Actors and professional guides took us to a novel and lively journey throughout time. Men, women, writers, sailors, football initiators and personalities of our history, came back to life, to tell their stories, for the day. The presentation was in charge of a great connoisseur of our cemetery, the Architect Eduardo Montemuño plus Scottish bagpipes by Patricia Izuibejeres marked the end of each tour. A photographic exhibition was held in the Chapel and you could have a chat with its authors, Soledad Malgor and María Regules. Sign language interpreters of the FHCU-Udelar were available.


Arq. Eduardo Montemuño
Piper Patricia Izuibejeres.
Prof. Carolina Lazo
Leticia Gambaro
Isabel Reggiardo

Cementerio Británico Montevideo

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11300 Montevideo, Uruguay

+598 2622 3071




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