195 years old

Cementerio Británico Montevideo

+598 2622 3071 · info@cementeriobritanico.com.uy

Cementerio Británico Montevideo

Sunset Meetings V Cementerio Británico Montevideo

Sunset Meetings
24 June 2017 at 04:00 PM

Tour: To be... or not to be. Text and context, Epitaphs, written on the Stone. Tribute to Carlos Sabat Ercasty at the 130th anniversary of his birth and a century of Pantheos.


Dra. Virginia Lucas
Esc. Ramón Cuadra
Guillermo Degiovanángelo

Cementerio Británico Montevideo

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Av. Gral. Rivera 3868

11300 Montevideo, Uruguay

+598 2622 3071




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